
Take Control of Your Money.

Let’s rip the bandaid off together and make you a financial plan!


  • Why should I have a budget?

    A budget helps you understand & track your cash flow so you can stop spending mindlessly & direct money towards your goals. It’s a tool that gives you control over your finances & allows you to make better decisions. Plus– they’re trendy. Everyone rich has a budget! So you obvi need one too.

  • What’s the 50-30-20 Rule?

    The 50/30/20 rule breaks down your after-tax income into 3 buckets: Needs (50%) Wants (30%) and Future You (20%). Living by this formula lets you thrive financially stress-free.

  • What’s an emergency fund?

    An emergency fund is Financial Plan B. It’s a safety net for unforeseen circumstances. Life is très random! You could lose your job or need to get a new apartment on the fly or get in a car accident! Your emergency fund ensures you can afford these life events with ease.

  • What if I have debt?

    Debt is a lot less scary when you have a plan to pay it off. My Free Debt Payoff Planner has helped thousands pay off their loans without living like a pauper. Download it HERE.

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Paying for People’s Glossier If They Can Answer THESE FINANCE QUESTIONS

This one is for all my Glossier girlies! I went to the Glossier store in SoHo to test the financial knowledge of a few customers. If they answer my four questions correctly - their entire purchase is on me!

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The Money BookLet's Invest: Beginner's Guide to Wall StreetStart Here: The Ultimate Money 101 Course