Justice for Prenups

Written By:
Haley Sacks
(aka Mrs. Dow Jones)
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Prenups get a bad rep. People think getting one means they’re planning for divorce. BUT I’m here to rebrand them as marriage insurance! Yep- I’m doing PR for Prenups! Let’s normalize having them the way we normalize having health insurance.

Think about it…

When you get health insurance you’re not expecting to get sick or WANTING to get sick, you just get it to be protected. Let’s look at marriage insurance, aka prenups, the same way. You’re being realistic that 50% of marriages end in divorce, and while you want yours to last forever, you’re making sure you’re protected no matter what.

I have heard all the reasons not to get one… “I don’t want to jinx it” “We don’t even have that much money” “They’re richer than I am so I would be screwing myself,” but what is missing from these sentiments is that your prenup is more than just a document. It’s a discussion. It creates financial transparency between you and your partner. This is important!! Money is gonna come up during your life together. And you wanna make it a chill thing to talk about.

Convinced yet? If you are, Hello Prenup is my personal favorite place to set one up. It's user-friendly and provides a wide range of options to best fit you and your partner.

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