Hey I’m Haley aka Mrs. Dow Jones and I’m a Financial Pop Star.
I use humor & pop culture to teach you what you never learned about money in school.
When I was at my first job after college, they asked about 401ks and health insurance, I realized how clueless I was about money. So I started digging and became obsessed. The only problem was the resources available to learn were SO DRY! But… the lessons were SO IMPORTANT! I didn’t see anyone on social media teaching finance the way I wanted to learn- I became her. It became my mission to be the Zillennial translator for financial education. Since then, I’ve helped over 2 million people make more, spend less & get financially confident.
Stay Rich, Bitch!

I live in Dumbo with my miniature poodle Mystery.
If you need a new favorite follow, here's my Insta.