How to Get Rich In Your 30s

Written By:
Haley Sacks
(aka Mrs. Dow Jones)

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Here's the truth: having debt or no investments in your 30s isn't a life sentence to being broke. Whether student loans ate your savings or life threw you curveballs, you're not alone. Building wealth isn't about where you start - it's about your strategy moving forward.

Ready for your financial reset? Here are the 3 exact steps I would take to build wealth from scratch in my 30s.

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Let's get real: If you want to get rich, you need to make more money.

Yes, budgeting helps. But increasing your income? That's where the real wealth comes from. Your Target: 15% more money every 2 years (either at your job or somewhere new).

How to get that raise:

  • Master skills that make $$$ in your role
  • Track your wins with actual numbers
  • Be your boss's favorite
  • Ask for money during EVERY review

If they're not giving raises? Time to job hunt 👋

Remember: Your skills = Your earning power
Invest in yourself and the money will follow

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If you wanna get rich from scratch in your 30s, you need a spending plan and discipline. Use the 50/30/20 budget as your starting point. 50% of your income goes towards needs, 30% to wants, and AT MINIMUM 20% to future you. But here’s the secret if you want to build wealth even faster- push that savings rate to 25% or even 30% every time you get a raise and keep your quality of life the same.

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You cannot save your way to rich. You need to invest your money- even if it’s a small amount. And time is your BIGGEST ASSET here so we need to get started right away. Invest in this order so you maximize your tax advantages:

  • Employer Match: Max it out.
  • Roth IRA: Open one or do a backdoor Roth if you exceed income limits.
  • 401(k): Max it out, or if you're self-employed, open a solo 401(k) or SEP IRA.
  • HSA: If you have a high-deductible health plan, max this out too.
  • Index Funds: Invest in low-cost options like VOO, VTI, VUG, VT, BND, AGG.

If you follow these steps, you will be rich. It’s not gonna be easy but it will be worth it.

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