Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder or taking your own path, here are our most viral tips on getting strategic with salary, PTO, and career opportunities.
How do I know if I’m getting paid fairly?
Do your research! Look into what the industry standard is for your city/state and factor in years of experience, coworker pay and your performance. If you realize “HEY. I’m not being paid fairly.” Don’t freak out! You have options.
What’s the best way to network?
Put yourself out there. Attend industry events to meet people and connect. And if you meet someone you click with? Don’t miss a beat- add them on LinkedIn. What should you say in your message? The more SPECIFIC you can be in your question or ask, the better. Also- try to find a way to be of service to them. Networking is an EXCHANGE so it will be easier to get a response if the person feels like they’re getting something back.
My boss says a raise is out of the question– what should I do?
My favorite non-salary options to ask for include: flexible work schedules, remote work days, PTO, learning stipends, bonuses, higher commission, health care or equity! Get creative! Or, you can start looking for another job. Up to you.
How do I negotiate a higher salary?
First things first, write down all the ways you add value. Then, research how much other people in similar roles at other companies are getting paid so you know what “fair” is. Next, I want you to prepare for a no. If they can’t give you a raise- what are you going to do? Consider asking for non-monetary benefits like flexible work arrangements or professional development opportunities. Then schedule the meeting, channel Rihanna, and go for it. If you’re adding value to their bottom line, they should add value to yours.
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