Financial Literacy Month

Written By:
Haley Sacks
(aka Mrs. Dow Jones)
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It's my FAVORITE MONTH OF THE YEAR! And what better way to kick it off than with a MONEY DATE!

A money date is your chance to seize control and ensure the strength and security of your financial empire. It's v empowering! So grab a seltzer (hard or soft) and let's get started.


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Mark it on your calendar & don't cancel. I do mine the last Sunday of every month & even if Sophie Turner calls to grab a coffee, I don't miss it.

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Review your accounts & input your expenses into The Money Book so you can see how close you are to following the 50/30/20 budgeting rule (50% on needs, 30% on wants, 20% on future you)

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Now that you know how your spending was this MONTH, think through what you want to do differently NEXT month. How can you get closer to those 50/30/20 ratios? Do you need to invest more? Go out to dinner less? Make a plan.

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From Venmoing your friends for that dinner you put on your card to canceling a subscription and returning packages, this is your time to get it done.

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The Money Book is an incredible tool that I personally use to keep track of my budget every month. It has changed the way I spend, save, and invest my money.

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